Frequently Asked Questions

7 Websites that make your daily life so much easier

The following services are nifty websites that aim to make your life a lot easier. All of them are free to use, so go check them out and enjoy! Have I been pawned? This website checks your email and phone number for data breaches, it does it fast and it is for free....

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Identifying and Resolving Common Website SEO Problems

"Learn how to boost your online presence by identifying and solving common Website SEO Problems. Our comprehensive guide covers crucial aspects such as page loading speed, broken links, duplicate content, mobile responsiveness, and meta tags, providing practical...

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Problems with Email Delivery?

if you find yourself struggling with your emails that you are sending out, people telling you that they have not received it or that it constantly lands in their spam box, here is a great, free and simple  way to quickly test the quality of our own...

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Spam emails – test your email to see how you stack up

Are you receiving spam emails or do your emails land in the spam box of others? Does your email bounce back? When it comes to email sending and receiving, in particular to spam emails, a lot of users are finding themselves quickly overwhelmed. ? Making sure that...

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Your website is your real estate

We all agree that a certain exposure to social media is necessary in order to promote your website, services and products.  However, I don't know how much you are aware of the fact that for example Facebook calls now every sentence, every image, and video its own...

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Google ranking and sitemaps

Google is always changing the way they rank sites - there are hundreds of updates to their algorithm every year. But, despite all the changes, Google's #1 recommendation has always been to have an up-to-date, valid XML Sitemap. If you aren't creating a sitemap...

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Take Control of your Google Search Result

With Google Structured Data Markup Your website brand is very important to your online success. Take control of your Google search results by adding Google Structured Data Markup to your Joomla! website. What is Google Structured Data Markup? Structured data refers to...

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Where can I find royality-free images for my website?

Paid stock photos There are many websites that sell beautiful images that you can use on your own website or provide us with ... Royality-free stock photos however it might be worthwhile checking out these guys as they do not...

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Link Building / SEO

An important part of your website ranking with search engines is that other websites find your content interesting and display a link to your website. Here you find a list of websites that are happy to exchange a link with you. You can utilise it to your liking. Link...

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Google rewards mobile friendly sites

You probably use, like most people, Google to navigate your way and search around the web. It’s typically how lot of other people will find your site too. Whilst Google is a search engine you want to have your website listed on, it can be quite a task to keep up with...

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Is my website really down?

Some of you have a lot of personal user interaction with the visitors that come to your website. Often people will tell you about their experience with using your website. That is great feedback that you always should listen to.  However, there are situations...

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Web Conversion, Google, Traffic

Do you need more input to help you make a decision what you would like to do about your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for your website. We have compiled a list of articles and video to help you with this. The following article and videos are produced by...

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with just you in mind!