The following services are nifty websites that aim to make your life a lot easier. All of them are free to use, so go check them out and enjoy!

Have I been pawned?

This website checks your email and phone number for data breaches, it does it fast and it is for free.

They are telling you where your data has been breached, when it happened and so also give you an opportunity to change your passwords in these breached accounts.

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Print friendly

Have you ever wanted to convert a web page into a PDF? You most likely used the PRINT function within your browser, right? And you found that you get not just what you wanted as your content  but also the website headers and possible advertising etc.

Take the URL of the webpage you want to convert and put it into the website. And you will find that all these extra elements are filtered out.

You dont have to come back to this website you can also install a browser extension that will do it for you.

12 Foot Ladder

You browsing through the internet and are finding an article that is interesting to you. However after the first paragraphs, you are being asked to subscribe to a subscription or log in.

We certainly don’t advocate avoiding paying for content that is valuable for you but you might find this one article and you dont want to buy into the whole subscription.

Copy the url of the article into the website and click REMOVE PAYWALL and you will find that you have no restrictions reading the article.

This Person does not exist

This website generates images of people who do not exist … they take images of real people and generate a whole new face out of them so that the image you are looking at is NOT a real person.

Images they provide on their website you can use if you need headshots of people for example as avatars or presentations.

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Way Back Machine

Go to, you will find the Internet Archive there. You can possibly find an old verson of a website that is long gone. Simply enter the url of the website and see what you can find.

You can find different snapshots from different dates.

Visit website and play

Terms of Service – Didn’t Read

The website will gather the data for you and tell you even what they are, for example Facebooks Terms are explained without the usual “legalese”.