Common Questions around SEO

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation, short called SEO, are strategies and techniques used to increase the amount of visitors to a website sent by Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

The goal is to feed the search engines the most relevant information of your website so that a visitor has a better chance (high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP)) to find your website when typing in the keywords or questions. Even though it might not seem to be the case anymore, some good old business practices still apply:

  1. Your visitor wants to be heard and understood
  2. Give the searcher good information not just bates
  3. Answer questions in a way that the visitor will have a profound insight

What do I have to do to my website to feed the search engines correctly?

There are many ways how you can set yourself up to establish a communication between your website and the search engines.

You will need to install good apps on your website that connect your website to the search engines and prepares your content in a way that search engines understand and use.

When you then write the content for your website, you might want to keep your visitor in mind … what would be interesting for them to know and learn?

What are the best ways to get the most exposure for my website on the search engines?

Remember, search engines follow the trend of the user. What a user wants to find through search engines is good quality content, reliable facts and figures and things or ideas that simplify the users life.

For the most exposure of your website on the search engines it is crucial that you supply it with your expertise. Write good quality content articles. Create YouTube videos. Answer questions.

There is a whole industry dedicated to “get your website on the first page of Google”. The choice who you might hire is enormous however nobody will take the work of you to grow your website with good quality content.

If you want to be in charge of growing your exposure, here are some guys (Project 24) who have dedicated themselves to educate you and help you along. You can check them out, following this link.

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