The West Australian German Business Association (WAGBA) was founded in 1985 to ensure innovative and proactive ways to foster business relationships between companies which have an interest in cultural or business ties with Germany. Over the last 28 years WAGBA has grown to be part of Western Australia’s business landscape. Valuable contacts with government agencies in Western Australia and Canberra were established. The German Government recognized that this association is a great outpost in WA. The volume of trade between Western Australia and Germany exceeded $650 million, reflecting...
Here are some showcases of the work done for our clients. Please do visit the websites to find elements of what you like in your own website.
Treffpunkt WA
Der TREFFPUNKT WA hat sich als der erfolgreichste Werbeträger in Westaustralien erwiesen. Fast jeder, der in diesem Magazin inserierte, war über den Erfolg erstaunt und erfreut. Es gibt kein vergleichbares Medium, das bei gleichem Aufwand den selben Erfolg beschert. So ist es kein Wunder, dass viele Anzeigenkunden dem TREFFPUNKT WA (Perth, Western Australia) seit zwei Jahrzehnten treu geblieben sind. Als kleines Mitteilungsblatt für die Besucher eines ungezwungenem wöchentlichen Treffens Deutschsprachiger unter dem Namen TREFFPUNKT WA im Hyatt Regency Perth begann dieses Magazin am 15....
Marybeth Armitage – Magical Awakenings
This website creates itself around the requirements of the owner. There is no set path or goal to achieve it reveals itself moment for moment.
This website is a pure reflection of the owner's energy. She is emerging into the world to be seen and heard, a beautiful unfolding is taking place. True magical awakenings!