Stunning Landing Pages


Dedicated landing pages are standalone pages built to deliver focussed information about a product, service or an event and have a specific call to action.

Standalone means that it has no global navigation. In essence it floats alone, only accessible from the link you’re providing in your marketing content (the call-to-action in an email, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so on).

The purpose of a landing page falls into three categories:

  1. to establish a quick web presence for businesses in form of a short introduction to your business and a means to contact you (extended business card)
  2. to capture leads that enable you to market to people in the future, or
  3. to “warm up” potential customers to the product you are trying to sell to them before sending them further into your sales funnel.

Websites that we create have the capacity to have a dedicated landing page section. Why would you pay for an additional service to create a landing page? Have them riht built into your website and profit by

  • all the traffic going to your website and not external websites like ClickFunnel etx. improving your search engine ranking not theirs.
  • No additional costs involved, the costs for your web server, domains etc stays the same.

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with just you in mind!